Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Reviews of The Japanese Way of the Artist

Davey uses words with clarity and simplicity to describe the non-word realm of practicing these arts. -- Publishers Weekly

From an economic standpoint, this compilation sells for a price comparable to the price of a single copy of either of the first two works. In addition, the third work, The Japanese Way of the Flower: Ikebana as Moving Meditation, is no longer in print. This makes this compilation a very good deal and the quickest way to secure a copy of The Japanese Way of the Flower: Ikebana as Moving Meditation... In addition, the content of all three works is great. Any one of these books would be worth the price, and this book is great both as a Christmas present and a book for the beach. -- Michael Donnelly Sensei, veteran teacher of aikido

H. E. Davey, in The Japanese Way of the Artist, both describes the various "Ways" of the artist, and deftly identifies how these arts transform one who diligently practices them. This anthology of three previous works makes available the broad strokes, as well as the practical details, of the Japanese arts. Davey's writing is highly accessible and remarkably accurate and insightful. This is an important source for understanding the Japanese and their artistic "Ways." -- Robert E. Carter, author of The Japanese Arts and Self-Cultivation, Becoming Bamboo: Western and Eastern Explorations of the Meaning of Life, and other books on Japanese meditation and spirituality

To order The Japanese Way of the Artist, go here: